More choice at Argyle Gardens

Retirement living is easy and affordable compared with owning and maintaining your existing home and at Argyle Gardens, owned and operated by BlueCare, we have retirement living options to suit a range of budgets and lifestyles. The retirement village model allows you to free up equity to help fund your retirement, with maintenance and many day to day costs taken care of.

At our retirement villages, you can choose the contract option that best suits your financial and lifestyle needs. We give you the choice of three options:


Certainty so you know what your costs will be.


Share in market fluctuations.


Have other plans for your money? Pay 10% less upfront.

Talk to our sales team to find out more. We are only too happy to explain the costs of moving into Argyle Gardens Bundaberg retirement village and what choices are available for you. Here is a brief overview to get you started.

Moving into the village

Once you decide on the home of your choice, our sales team will prepare your disclosure documents for you. We recommend that you seek independent legal and financial advice on these documents and once you have considered that advice, you can then enter into your contract.

Living in the village

Day to day costs, such as council and water rates, building insurance, general facilities and grounds maintenance and 24-hour emergency response are included in one easy monthly payment of the general service charge which is reviewed annually. The charge varies from village to village, depending on the location and style of accommodation and facilities. You are responsible for your individual phone, internet, contents insurance and electricity costs. You can see the general service charge and exactly what is included in the Village Comparison Document for each of our retirement villages.

Village management structure

Argyle Gardens has a professional team of management at the village during business hours who are responsible for the day to day operation of the village. The Village Manager is your first point of contact if you have questions or need assistance. We encourage all residents to have a say in how their village is run and we welcome feedback about any ideas or suggestions for improvement. There is an active residents committee at each of our villages who welcome new resident contributions.

Leaving the village

If you decide you want to move out for any reason within 3 months of your lease commencing, we’ll refund your ingoing contribution and waive your exit fee as part of our Peace of Mind Guarantee*.

All you'll pay is the general service charge and maintenance reserve fund contribution for the duration of your stay, the cost of repairing any damage above fair wear and tear and lease termination costs.

If you wish to leave the village more than 3 months after your lease commencing, you will receive an exit entitlement, which is your ingoing contribution less the exit fee, legal fees and other administrative charges. The exit fee is designed to be paid when you leave so you can take advantage of the lifestyle benefits including village facilities without the added cost upfront.

Legal fees paid upon vacating when you leave the village cover the costs associated with contract termination.

Reinstatement costs are payable if there is accelerated wear and tear and damage.

If you choose our Capital Gain Contract Choice, you will also contribute 50% of the renovation costs, which are the costs of all replacements and repairs in addition to reinstatement costs. Your share of the capital gain or loss will form part of your exit entitlement when you leave the village.**

Argyle Gardens offers you the freedom to choose where you live, how you live and the contract that best suits your financial and lifestyle needs.

For more information, talk to our sales team.

Correct as at June 2024 subject to change under Queensland Government legislation.
*Our Peace of Mind Guarantee only applies to reservations made on or after 1 July 2021. Please refer to the Village Comparison Document (VCD) below for a summary of the terms and conditions.
**Except when you change your mind under our Peace of Mind Guarantee. Please refer to the Village Comparison Document (VCD) below for a summary of the terms and conditions.

Village comparison document

Further information is available in the Village Comparison Document. This document provides specific information to each village’s accommodation, facilities, contract choices and costs so that you can easily compare from one village to another. View our Village Comparison Documents here.

Village comparison document

  • Argyle Gardens Village Comparison Document
    581.95 KB
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